Customizing the cluster with the config.yaml file

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Customizing the cluster with the config.yaml file

2023-11-04 02:57| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Customizing the cluster with the config.yaml file

The config.yaml file contains all the configuration settings that are needed to deploy your cluster.

From the config.yaml file, you can customize your installation by using various parameters.

The config.yaml also contains a list of the Docker images that are pulled from Docker Hub by the installer during the IBM庐 Cloud Private-CE (Community Edition) installation process. For an IBM Cloud Private-CE (Community Edition) installation, you can also store these installation images in a private image registry in place of pulling directly from Docker Hub. If images are stored in a private image registry, update the config.yaml file to point to the installation images in your private image registry. For an IBM Cloud Private installation, these installer Docker images are commented out since the images are available in the downloaded installer package.

Note: Before you update any section of the config.yaml file, review the inline comments in that section.

You can set or update the following parameters by modifying the config.yaml file.

Open the //cluster/config.yaml file.

Add or modify the parameters and values. The format for defining a parameter and values is :.

Table 1. General settings Table 2. Kubernetes settings Table 3. Log settings Table 4. Network settings Table 5. Docker settings Table 6. Proxy HA settings Table 7. Master HA settings Table 8. User settings Table 9. GlusterFS settings Table 10. Cloud Provider settings Table 11. Encrypting cluster data network traffic with IPsec Table 12. Management service settings Table 13. Integrating VMware NSX-T 2.3 with IBM Cloud Private Table 14. Environment isolation Table 15. etcd settings Table 16. Istio addons security settings Table 17. NGINX ingress controller Table 18. Minio settings General settings Table 1. General settings Parameter Description Default value cluster_name The name of your cluster.

In a multiple cluster environment, specify a distinct name for each cluster.

cluster_name must consist of lowercase alphanumeric characters only.

Note: Your active cluster_name only appears in the IBM Cloud Platform header after installation of IBM Multicloud Manager.

The cluster_name parameter is used for constructing the region field in the resource Cloud Resource Names (CRNs). If you do not specify a cluster_name, the default value of mycluster is used in the CRN. The CRNs that are constructed with this information uniquely identify the resources and are used for administering and enforcing authorization. Do not change the value of this parameter after your cluster is installed as this change would break the authorization.

mycluster cluster_CA_domain Specify the certificate authority (CA) domain to use in your cluster. {{ cluster_name }}.icp cluster_domain A Kubernetes internal DNS domain name. cluster.local offline_pkg_copy_path The directory to hold the temporary installation files during offline installation. This location must have at least 50 GB of available disk space.

If your /tmp directory has less than 50 GB of space, you must set this parameter to a location that has the available disk space requirement.

/tmp firewall_enabled If set to true, the installer keeps the local operating system firewall running and opens the ports that IBM Cloud Private needs on the firewall. false wait_for_timeout This parameter specifies the default timeout value for operations. A setting of 3600 is ideal in most environments. 600 management_services Use this parameter to disable the management services. You can disable the following services: key-management, audit-logging, custom-metrics-adapter, image-security-enforcement, istio, metering, logging, monitoring, service-catalog, storage-minio, storage-glusterfs, and vulnerability-advisor. For more information about management services, see Enabling and disabling IBM Cloud Private management services.

istio: disabled

vulnerability-advisor: disabled

storage-glusterfs: disabled

storage-minio: disabled

router_http_port The http port that is used by the IBM Cloud Private management ingress, which acts as a proxy for all IBM Cloud Private management services. 8080 router_https_port The https port that is used by the IBM Cloud Private management ingress, which acts as a proxy for all IBM Cloud Private management services. 8443 ingress_http_port The http port that is used by the ngnix ingress controller, which acts as a proxy for all user services. 80 ingress_https_port The https port that is used by the ngnix ingress controller, which acts as a proxy for all user services. 443 loopback_dns Set this parameter to true if the boot node uses a loopback IP, for example an IP address that starts with 127, as the DNS server. false fips_enabled Set this parameter to true to enable Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) 140-2 compliance for IBM Cloud Private management ingress (management console), NGINX ingress controller (ingress service), image manager, Docker registry, WebSphere Liberty Application Server (authentication manager), and identity provider authorization configuration. false Kubernetes settings Table 2. Kubernetes settings Parameter Description Default value kube_apiserver_extra_args Sets extra apiserver configurations for Kubernetes. Accepts a list of apiserver arguments that are provided in --key=value format. None kube_apiserver_secure_port Sets the Kubernetes apiserver secure port. 8001 kube_controller_manager_extra_args Sets extra controller configurations for Kubernetes. Accepts a list of controller arguments that are provided in --key=value format. None kube_proxy_extra_args Sets extra proxy configurations for Kubernetes. Accepts a list of proxy arguments that are provided in --key=value format. None kube_scheduler_extra_args Sets extra scheduler configurations for Kubernetes. Accepts a list of scheduler arguments that are provided in --key=value format. None kubelet_extra_args Sets extra configurations for kubelet. Accepts a list of kubelet arguments that are provided in --key=value format. For example, to set the maximum number of pods that can run on a kubelet, set the following configuration:kubelet_extra_args: ["--max-pods=110"] None auditlog_enabled Enables the Kubernetes audit log, which records the chronological sequence of activities by individual users, administrators, or other components of the system that modified the system. Set this parameter to true to enable the audit log. false Log settings Table 3. Log settings Parameter Description Values Default value metrics_max_age Sets the maximum number of days to store system and application metrics. Metrics older than this specified number of days are removed. Metrics are removed at 23:59 on the specified day. Number of days 1 kibana_install IBM Cloud Private Version 3.1.1 deploys Kibana by default and integrates it with the IBM Cloud Private management console. If you do not want to install Kibana in your cluster, add kibana_install: false in the config.yaml file before you install your cluster. true or false true logs_maxage Sets the maximum number of days to store logs in Elasticsearch. Number of days 1 Network settings Table 4. Network settings Parameter Description Values Default value network_type Type of network management in your cluster. calico or nsx-t calico network_helm_chart_path Absolute path to the network helm chart. None None calico_ipip_enabled Allows Calico to be run on IP over IP mode. This setting is needed when worker nodes are in different subnetwork and BGP is not enabled in routers between the worker nodes. This setting is also needed in some cloud environment such as OpenStack, where virtual machines are not allowed to work as routers. true or false true calico_tunnel_mtu The IPIP for Calico has a default MTU of 1430. If the main interface of your host has an MTU that is less than 1450, Calico IPIP has poor performance. Set the MTU such that the MTU of the host main interface minus the default MTU of the Calico IPIP tunnel is greater than or equal to 20. Positive integers 1430 network_cidr The IPv4 network to use for the entire network. This value must be in CIDR format. When you create a network_cidr, ensure that you select an IP range that does not conflict with the existing host network or with the service_cluster_ip_range. In most environments, you can use the default value. Important: You cannot modify this parameter after installation since all the platform management services will be using these IP ranges and the Kube-proxy is also aware of this network cidr. IP address in CIDR format cluster_lb_address In an environment that has multiple network interfaces (NICs), use cluster_lb_address to set a public or external IP address for the management services in your cluster. You can specify a fully-qualified domain name instead of the IP address. This public address is assigned to the master node, used to access the console, and also used to configure kubectl. In an HA environment, cluster_lb_address masks the cluster_vip as the leading master IP. IP address Fully-qualified domain name OpenStack floating IP address None proxy_lb_address In an environment that has multiple network interfaces (NICs), use proxy_lb_address to set a public or external IP address that is to be used by the NodePort resource to allow external access to services. You can specify a fully-qualified domain name instead of the IP address. IP address Fully-qualified domain name OpenStack floating IP address None calico_ip_autodetection_method You can configure the Calico node to auto-detect the IP address that is used to route between nodes. You can use one of the following methods: calico_ip_autodetection_method: first-found: This method uses the first valid IP address on a valid interface that is found first. calico_ip_autodetection_method: interface: This parameter accepts a comma-separated list of regular expression names as value. It uses the first IP address that is found on the specified interface. Examples: calico_ip_autodetection_method: interface=eth0 calico_ip_autodetection_method: interface=eth.* calico_ip_autodetection_method: interface=eth.*,ens.* calico_ip_autodetection_method: can-reach=: The can-reach method uses your local routing to determine the IP address that is used to reach the specified destination. This parameter accepts a remote IP address or domain name as value. Note: In an environment that has multiple network interfaces (NICs), use the can-reach method to specify the network to be used for your workloads. In IBM Cloud Private, you can set calico_ip_autodetection_method: can-reach=. The network interface names cannot contain the following strings: "docker.*", "cbr.*", "dummy.*", "virbr.*", "lxcbr.*", "veth.*", "lo", "cali.*", "tunl.*", or "flannel.*". Some IPs are not recognized by Calico. Ensure that your interfaces do not have IPs in the following ranges: - this IP range is the default vagrant/virtualbox NAT interface address range. 92.168.122.* - this IP range is the default libvirt VM interface address range. first-found interface=INTERFACE-REGEX can-reach= can-reach={{ groups['master'][0] }} service_cluster_ip_range The Kubernetes service cluster IP range. This configuration allocates a block of IPs for services. When you create a service_cluster_ip_range, ensure that you select an IP range that does not conflict with the existing host network or with the network_cidr. service_cluster_ip_range is a virtual network. In most environments, you can keep the default value. IP address in CIDR format Docker settings

Note: These configurations can be set for the supplied IBM Cloud Private Docker packages only. See IBM Cloud Private Docker packages.

Table 5. Docker settings Parameter Description Format Default Value docker_version Specify the version of Docker that you want to install.

If you want to install Docker by using the IBM Cloud Private installer, a package for the required version must be available in the //cluster/runtime-engine directory.

string 18.03.1 install_docker Allows the installer to automatically install Docker on your cluster nodes. true or false true docker_env Sets the environment for Docker. For example, you might configure an https_proxy location if Docker runs behind a firewall. The environment location is stored in the /etc/systemd/system/docker.service.d/docker-env-icp.conf file. "HTTP_PROXY=http://httphost:port/", "NO_PROXY=localhost," None docker_config Sets Docker configuration parameters. For more information about Docker configuration parameters, see dockerd docker_config:     log-opts:        max-size: "100m        max-file: "10"     storage-driver: devicemapper Proxy HA settings Table 6. Proxy HA settings Parameter Description Values Default vip_manager The service that manages the virtual IP (VIP) on the master, proxy, or master and proxy nodes. If you configure HA for master or proxy nodes, you can set this value. You set this value only once. etcd keepalived etcd proxy_vip_iface Sets the virtual IP interface for a proxy node HA environment. eth0 n/a proxy_vip Sets the virtual IP address for a proxy node HA environment. Do not specify the subnet in the IP address. n/a Master HA settings Table 7. Master HA settings Parameter Description Values Default vip_manager The service that manages the virtual IP (VIP) on the master, proxy, or master and proxy nodes. If you configure HA for master or proxy nodes, you can set this value. You set this value only once. etcd keepalived etcd cluster_vip Sets the virtual IP address for IBM Cloud Private HA environment. Do not specify the subnet in the IP address. n/a vip_iface Sets the virtual IP interface for IBM Cloud Private HA environment. eth0 n/a User settings Table 8. User settings Parameter Description ansible_useransible_ssh_passansible_become ansible_port ansible_become_pass IBM Cloud Private uses the ansible_user and ansible_ssh_pass parameter values to access your cluster nodes during installation. If you use a non-administrator account that has sudo privileges to connect to a master or worker node, set the ansible_user to the user name and ansible_become to true. If you run sudo with a password, you must set the ansible_become_password parameter to the value of your non-root (sudo user) password. This variable is optional if you set NOPASSWD in the /etc/sudoers file. If you have a customized ssh port, you can also set the ansible_port parameter in the




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